Acupuncture for the eyes does not act through the meridians like traditional Chinese acupuncture, but directly through the nervous system and the brain.
The healing procedure can be compared to a finger injury (e.g. cutting by a knife). The brain registers the injury in a fraction of a second and immediately begins the healing process of the finger. It releases different substances such as enzymes and hormones, e.g. adrenaline and cortisone, to be sent directly to the affected region. The body will thus heal itself very fast.
John Boel’s discovery is that there are treatment points (reflex points) in and around the joints of your body. Those reflex points are connected to various parts of the brain. Through these reflexological points on the hands and feet we simulate an injury in the eye. This injury immediately activates the self-reparatory process of your body.
We are doing nothing else than reboot your body’s own natural reparation system!
Side Effects
It seems important to me to inform you that there are several thousand people in the world who are treated with this new acupuncture technique every day. So far, we have not seen any unwanted side effects. As we work through reflexological points and not directly on the eye, there is no risk of injuring the eye.
On the other hand, we can very often see an improvement in the patient’s general condition.