That’s why AcuNova works!
The difference between AcuNova and other methods of acupuncture is that AcuNova acts directly through the nervous system and the brain. This is an example of how AcuNova works: To treat a patient’s sciatic nerve pain, the corresponding reflex point is identified at the level of a joint and then stimulated by the insertion of a needle. The patient then feels a mild pain that looks like a weak electric current. This is because the needle triggers an electric current at a specific frequency. Each point sends a current with a different frequency.
The current flows through the nervous system and enters the part of the brain, that controls the to be treated area of the body. A signal is then sent to the patient’s hypothalamus, which analyzes and transmits the signal to the pituitary gland, which reacts by releasing specific hormones into the bloodstream.
These hormones cause the production of different substances by organs and glands, such as pain-relieving hormones, which are known as endorphins.
The release of Endorphins removes pain in the patient and relaxes the muscles. This reaction allows the vertebrae to return to their original position and no longer press the nerve. This procedure removes the back problem as well as all other problems that can occur anywhere in the body.
During an AcuNova session, several enzymes and hormones are released, such as adrenaline or cortisone. If we take a blood sample before and after a session, we can see that there are more than 200 different chemical processes in the body that have activated.
These impulses are triggered by the micro-injuries caused to the tissues of the stimulated reflex point. These micro-injuries provide the brain with information that it needs to repair this point, thus enabling it to treat the problem in the area concerned.
For example, consider a patient with shoulder pain. The acupuncturist finds the reflex point corresponding to this pain area and stimulates it precisely by the placement of the needle. The part of the brain that is responsible for the to be treated area will then repair the wound directly on to the finger, and at the same time, it will release several substances to immediately repair and heal the affected area, thus the shoulder.
It is with this therapy that Mette Bloch’s shoulder (twice world champion of rowing) was healed.
Science has taught us that every cell in the body, with the exception of brain cells and nerve cells, is constantly renewed over the course of a few years.
But science is so new that we would never dare to say it in our praxis. Science will show us that in the future. However, we know that AcuNova works perfectly even with very serious chronic diseases.
Self healing of the body
To summarize: Whatever the reason why the patient suffers, for example from back pain, the substances that heal and neutralize the pain are sent to the problem area, which immediately initiates the self-healing process. If the acupuncturist stimulates the specific point of the affected area of the body, the patient immediately notices an improvement in the problem or pain.
If the patient suffers from macular degeneration, the body begins with the healing of the retina. If the patient suffers from narrowing of the heart vessels, the brain will give the order to widen the arteries, and so on.